Saturday, January 17, 2009

finally i stop procrastinating!

this fellow is called celine! n guess what!
she sny on my flt before,
she's my age,
n she's from tp hospi n tourism also!!
1 year apart.
so we were in tpe right,
and she's searching for this plant enzyme thingy..

the 5th diagram, she said something like, it helps to cure farts! OMG! i nearly died from laughter! ha.. she was so pissed that she went on rattling that it helps pple to give birth la, keeps u warm la blah blah blah! damn funny! what's with taiwan n labradors? is he the poster dog?
these are from paris! its snowing!
company dinner at hotel, an even that i was totally unaware of for i change flt!
my set:)
the entire dinner last for 3 hours.. so we had to take photos..

i've been such a lazy child recently!
giving away flts for off days!
praying for no call ups!
but then again.
its thy festive period right!